The Why

Politics. It is not for the faint of heart, and truthfully not something I ever expected myself to get involved with. The thought that there was always someone that would do it, someone more qualified or experienced in X, Y, or Z, can keep you on the bench. Sometimes though, you find yourself facing the question that always seems to be the one waiting for you- will you choose to do nothing or choose to do something?

Brunswick County is such a beautiful place full of so many amazing people. But when you stop and listen two big things come to the surface again and again- 1.) People are concerned and afraid about development not being appropriately managed, that the beauty that they grew up with or moved here for is being stripped away. That there is a lack of vital resources needed for the community to thrive, infrastructure not being scaled with and to growth. That living expenses are ballooning out of control, threatening their ability to have a roof over their heads.
2.) People have a consistent feeling that their leaders are not hearing them. That their voices are ignored and their votes do not matter, so why bother? It was at this point that I decided that I could do something. That I needed to do something.

Your voice does matter. Your concerns should be heard. I am running to make Brunswick County better for all of the citizens of the county, from the most developed corner of northeastern corner to the rural farmlands to the west and south- your voice matters. You matter. Its time for your leadership to hear you.